How are you doing? It’s fall here in Utah and the weather is getting cooler and the leaves are starting to change colors. I love this time of year to go hiking in the mountains and enjoy brisk walks? What do you like about fall?
Fall can be a very busy time with school in session, Halloween, and preparing for holidays. For many it’s a time of stress and being “over-scheduled.”

Have you ever felt that way? I know I have.
So my goal is to help you create ease, calm, and resilience through the stressors in your life. This month we will focus on tips, activities, and tricks (and treats) J that are all about calm. You will enjoy incorporating these tips into your life in 5-10 minutes a day and be able to see some awesome results of a better mood, more confidence, and a relaxed body.
We will start with teaching you basic calming poses through the practice of Yoga. Yoga literally means “Union.” In Yoga we work to unite body, mind, spirit, and emotion. The goal is a deep sense of “Union” with yourself. To still the mind, tune into the body, and free the spirit. Doesn’t that sound amazing? So if you are feeling stressed, tense, fatigued, or distracted, and you haven’t done Yoga before (or even if you have) try it out this month and let me know what you think!
Sincerely, Camille